SHOW ME THE MONEY ( Money League) Year 14 / 2019
This is my oldest money league and in 2019 will be starting it’s 14th season.
The draft for SMTM… 2019 is: Saturday, Aug 24, 2019 at 4:00pm US EDT / 9:00pm UK BST
£100 - Winner
£60 - Runner Up
£40 - 3rd
+ £40 to whoever posts the highest Weeks score (including post season - must be involved in a real game - not on a bye)!
Before applying to join this league please view the settings and make sure you are happy with them as I don’t plan to change them. I like continuity so I stick with the settings from the leagues inception in 2006. Which means this league is a 12 team league, is not a points per reception (non PPR) nor fractional scoring league. SMTM… League Settings (
I have created the official waiting list at the bottom of this post to get in this league. So if you want in to the SMTM… league just post in this thread saying so and I will add you (though be warned the turnover in this league is slim as most GM’s return annually).
Current Members List
Team Name / TFP Forum Name
Noel Symonds: van Dutch / bluelionman
David Garcia: Zero everything / David_Garcia_Fernand
Andy Smith: Seattle Seagulls / Rick_Spangle
Jon Watts: The 12th Man / jwpacker
Karl Dale: 1st and then / kdaley
Josh Roberts: Scouse Dolphins / joshroberts1987
Sam Devereux: St George’s Crescents / s.devereux
Matthew Elstone: Forget About Le’ / melstone
Iain Morris: Mozza’s Mob / Mozza_19
Andre Bonifay: Deshaun of the Dead / abonifay
Robert McGregor: Viking City / mconabike
Rich Leese: Plainview Oilers / RichL
Current Members : Details Bolded once confirmed & paid entry fee for 2019
DISCORD Channel link: Show Me The Money on DISCORD - chat room
SMTM Official Waiting List - (for 2020)
OFFICIAL WAITLIST (If you are sure you want in to this money league then ask to go on this official waiting list and when a current member leaves the first person on the list will be offered the chance to claim that spot for the next season and so on down the list):
Name / TFP Forum Name
1. Steve Smith / stevefringe
Current Known Vacancies = 0 (for 2020 season)
updated once auto right of return period has elapsed