Thanksgiving Day (24th Nov) Game Day Meet-up - Leamington Spa


Need to gauge the level of interest for the 3 game NFL extravaganza on Thanksgiving Day 24th November.

I will try to book a pub and big screen for the entire event, but it’ll only be viable if we get sufficient numbers, as it’s unlikely that we’ll be accomodated all night if there’s only a handful of attendees.

Game 1 - Vikings @Lions - Warm up game between two feeble also-rans from the NFC North.
Game 2 - Redskins @Cowboys - A huge game in the heads of Redskins & Cowboys fans, nobody else.
Game 3 - Steelers @Colts - The main event and well worth staying up for.

Plenty of cheap accomodation nearby. (Travelodge - if you like sleeping with a puppet, & Premier Inn - if you don’t mind running the risk of bumping into Lenny Henry, plus a few others if you’re more discernible, or have cash to burn).

Fun Fact:

Thanksgiving Day can be traced back to the 1621 celebration at the
Plymouth Plantation, where the religious refugees from England known
popularly as the Pilgrims invited the local Native Americans to a
harvest feast after a particularly successful growing season before
brutally hacking them to death in a fit of pique after their New England Patriots lost
to the Detroit Lions, coincidentaly the last time the Lions won a game on
Thanksgiving Day.


Count me in, especially the brutal hacking part

Count me in.
I have got the Friday off work but not the Thursday, so I would most likely get a train from Southampton to Leamington straight after work, arrive mid way through game 1, and watch the end of that plus all of games 2 and 3. Chances are I would then get the early train back home rather than fork out for a hotel


I’d be in, and happy to use the site to promote it as much as we want to (depending how packed out we want the place to be).

Count me and Kieron in

I’m at work the Thursday night. Gutted, as for once was a good location for me.

I’m in NYC for thanksgiving
can’t wait

I may be able to make this, will look into it :+1:t3:

We put a post on the main site to garner some more interest for this and try using the Eventbrite ticketing system, although a bit quiet so far. Will just post that link up here for the sake of it:

Is this happening guys?
Also is the location selected the pub where the event will be, and if so do we have a postcode so I can look at booking the nearest hotel


How am I not down as in yet!? I’m in, love the little bit of trivia too

Will post an update shortly, venue want a confirmation of numbers, which is difficult when you can’t confirm a venue! Joseph Heller would be proud.

I am looking at other ways to generate guaranteed numbers, if i can’t it may have to be a paid event.