TFP Superbowl Get-together

Many of you will have seen discussions on Discord regarding our superbowl get together. Looks like we’ve finally decided on Clapham Grand VIP tables at £150 for 6 people (£25 each). We have a core group of 15 who have confirmed (Will add names shortly). We are looking to book within next day or so, if anyone else is interested please shout up as we need to decide on whether to book 3 or 4 tables.

Details of event can be found here:

List of those who have already expressed interest (would be good to get final confirmation from all):-

Simon (Confirmed) - G
Dean (Confirmed) - Ad
Shani (Confirmed) - S
Anders +3 (Confirmed) - An
Mark (Confirmed) - S
Adam (Confirmed) - Ad
Gordon +2 (Confirmed) - G
Kieron (Confirmed) - Ad
Jane (Confirmed) - Ad
Mary (Confirmed) - G
Jon (Confirmed) - G
Sean (Confirmed) - S
Noel (Confirmed) - Ad
Andy Smith (Confirmed) - An
Dan (Confirmed) - Ad

Your £25 gets you a giant hot dog, 3 beers ad a seat right in front of a cinema style screen.

There is also a Premier Inn opening soon (prior to superbowl) nearby which has rooms for £29, for those who want to stay. Outside congestion zone so also accessible by car for those who want to drive.

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Hi Mark, please count me as confirmed. I can PayPal my 25 macaroons to whoever is organising so they are not out of pocket.
As I’ve said on Discord I am not 100% to make it but I am a probable, and I would rather pay now and guarantee a place. If I end up wasting 25 quid then so be it

@bluelionman have added you to the list. @neonadam says you’ll be there even if he has to drag you there himself.

I’m in! (Andy Smith, aka Rick Spangle). I’m on paypal, so who should I pay?

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Have seen you’ve been on Discord, did you find someone to pay?

4 tables booked so have another 4 spaces still available. Sign up soon to avoid disappointment if you plan on coming along.

Yeah cheers I confirmed with Shani yesterday and will attend. Great group so far numbers wise… gonna be epic.

Happy to pay whoever as and when required via Pay Pal.

@Rick_Spangle if you want to PM @Superstar he’ll give you some PayPal details.

@bluelionman believe Adam will sort with you.

Thanks Mark, just sent the money to Anders.

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Hey guys - who ended up with most of the TFP business cards Dean very kindly got made up few years ago?

Just I am down to my last 2 - wish I had more of them when they was first brought along as I would have dolled cards out at the last TG meet up and would do so here to @ S/B night) as there a great way promote this site to UK based NFL fans when encountered. :ok_hand:

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Really nice catching up with ya’all - sorry it was a bit loud in the venue to be able to chat and when game finished lots of peeps had to rush off - would of loved to see a lot of you earlier in the pub before hand… defo food for thought next year.

Also I wonder what people thoughts were off the night and in particular the venue - for future reference when planning next years S/B meet up?

Also I have never slept so much in my life - I must be getting old but I finally got in to my flat at 7am and my bed about 7:30am Monday morning (as alas living at a small station had to wait an hour and a half for the first train stopping at my station)… any way point of the story is I remember waking up once with a headache and dry throat - all the beer - so got a glass of water - didn’t pay attention to what time was or anything and went back to bed then I recall waking up and getting up and checking my phone and timer in kitchen and it was 1:30pm TUESDAY!!! wtf - I had lost a day… I slept literally for over 24hrs… crazy!!!

But its once a year and so worth it. :football: