Okay, I can make that day and time. You are killing my destiny 2 launch playing time! Small sacrifice to make for my only auction league!
How can we get money across to you Noel?
Okay, I can make that day and time. You are killing my destiny 2 launch playing time! Small sacrifice to make for my only auction league!
How can we get money across to you Noel?
On behalf of Noel, which week should the playoff final by played?
0 voters
Hi Noel, seen your email. I’m entering,can you confirm PayPal details and I will send the money over
Hey guys,
I might be a bit late to the party but is there still room in the league for one more? I’ve been looking for a league just like this one
Keep an eye of the thread to see if a spot comes available
Ok thanks for the reply Alan
Well I’m not back from last year (but I dunno if that’s already been accounted for)
Sorry to be pain, I’m just wondering what the likelihood of a spot popping up before this years draft? Only reason I ask is I’m currently trying to keep myself free tomorrow at draft time but not sure if I’ll need to.
I do apologise about asking again and don’t want to seem rude.
One for @bluelionman
Hey Mozza_19 - thanks for your interest - I’m all go today - due to your predicament I’ll try and let you know in the next few hours - i’m going into my e-mails and the league right now to see who has put their hand up from last year to come back this year - also I need to check if anyone has posted before you in this years or last years thread to put there hand up (go on waiting list) for any vacant spots - hence why I asked for a few hours so I don’t overlook anyone.
Cheers - I’ll be in touch soon.
No worries, thanks for the reply I really appreciate and hope to hear from you soon.
@Rick_Spangle - Want me to add you to the waiting list for next year Andy?
Quick Question - how come your David Dean in the league?
Yes please Noel, just couldn’t make any of the draft options this year and you really have to be there for a draft in an auction.
No worries - I understand Andy - sent you an e-mail of another NFL game that you might like earlier tonight.
Will add you to list now.
Sent the money, Al gave me your PayPal detail.
Cheers Al
As we are hopefully getting a draft done tonight, can we get an idea of how many of us have signed up at the top of the page?
Some peeps have not confirmed as I asked so can’t be sure there just hangovers from last year - I am active on social media = Facebook right now but soon to be Twitter to find replacements but recruiting is never easy as people think.
The list of names in original post (post #1) are those who have confirmed they are in this year - so 10 right now. Come 7pm I will edit the league down to those confirmed and delete teams of those who have not confirmed or prior to then replace them with any peeps that ask to jump in from my posts and messages on social media etc.
Hope that helps you Fragilezim.
Who has paid so far Noel and how many do we need and who needs chasing?
I’m behind with my Payment auditing been working on it all day - for many games - to know where I am need to work through payments chronologically - but not so worried about that as the new GM’s have paid when they sign up and the old ones am pretty sure have or will - so the 10 listed in first post on this thread am sure are in for tonight - as they have responded to messages - it’s the others I’m worried about especially those still showing in league but have not responded to any of my requests to post on league wall they are definitely returning - hence my reply to Fragilezim just now.
So that specifically would be Andy Watt / AWNFL, Mark Dimmock / markdimmock812 and Nicholas McKay / ndmckay.
All others have in either in last years thread or this years said their out or confirmed their back in on league wall as I asked.
Hence I am now on social media plugging the league but so many groups rules say no spamming or plugging your own games etc.