The Telegraph have brought back a fantasy 6 Nations game this year and it’s free to play.
I’m not sure how many people I know like rugby and I myself don’t follow the domestic game at all but I do enjoy the 6 Nations each year as games are on terrestrial TV. For this reason I have decided to set up a private money league on the Telegraphs game and invite anyone else who wants to join - more the merrier.
As I have no clue how many entrants I will get I propose the following for this first year.
Internal entry fee = £10 a team.
At the end of the game all entry funds (after deducting any weekly chart prizes if applicable) will be paid out as follows:
Payout Structure
1st (60%)
2nd (20%)
Starting XV (20%)
Also if I get 20+ teams in my league there will be a weekly prize of £10 to that weeks highest scoring team.
That’s it.
Full details on the game can be found here:
Telegraph Fantasy Rugby - Six Nations
My private money leagues details:
League Name: BLM 6 NATIONS
League PIN: 8173003
League Passcode: 2019
Hope to see some of you get involved in this - sorry for the short notice - opening game is:
Hopefully if this game proves popular the Telegraph will run it annually.
best regards,
bluelionman Noel Symonds
PS For anyone that doesn’t know the score regards paying the entry fee just send me a PM (Private Message) from here (TFP) and I’ll get back to you with how to do so.