SUPER 6 (£5 Money League) 2023/24

BLM’S Super 6 Bluey League

Game Site: Super 6 / Home

I have run a league on this game for the last few seasons and it’s proved popular so bringing it back.

I’ve called it ’BLM’s Super 6 Bluey League’ - simply, as I’m making the entry fee £5 (which is a bluely coloured note). Super 6 is the games name and BLM is short for bluelionman (despite what more recent political climates make you think of) which is the online name I use in all fantasy games and forums and have done for over two decades (so not changing it now).

I have also decided to have a prize for every 10 entrants so the more entries the further the prizes will go down as follows:

1-10 Entrants = Winner Takes All
11-20 Entrants = 1st & 2nd
21+ = 1st - 3rd

I will confirm the prize positions and pay-outs soon after the game starts. All entry fees will go back out 100% as prizes. So that’s it - I would imagine many people already do this game so if you fancy trying your luck in a small stakes’ money league do join in. Also, to make this league a decent size with decent prizes, I urge you to please share this post with anyone you think might like to join in to - all are welcome (friends, family, work colleagues, anyone). Just use the link at the bottom of this post and paste it into messages and send to your friends as well as share on your social media platforms, it all helps spread the word.

Only internal rules I will make are entries must be in by the start of the first round (3pm UK time - 12th August 2023) and anyone who has not paid the entry fee by then will be deleted from my league without reference.

I have restarted last season’s league and it has automatically put everyone back in that played last year in my league - therefore I can not be sure all will want to play for money again this season so they don’t have to worry as if they don’t pay before start of game (as well as any unpaid new joiners) I will simply delete them all as soon as the first round gets underway. I can then go and work out this season’s places/prizes.

To join my league, you can either follow this link: JOIN - BLM’S Super 6 Bluey League

Or enter manually from the game itself using the following details:

Name - BLM’S Super 6 Bluey League

PIN - redacted now game has started

If you don’t know the score on how to pay me just PM me from here (TFP forum) and ask for the info.

best regards,

bluelionman / Noel Symonds

Fan Pub Founding Member

PS Reading Super 6’s Terms and Conditions it is sadly only open to persons aged 18 years or over resident in the UK, Isle of Man, Channel Islands and Republic of Ireland.

Okay all maybe it was a bad shout restarting last years league as I don’t seem to have contact details for everyone.

The following 2 people are showing in the league but have not paid. If I have not had any contact from them by Monday night then will delete these two entries from my league at 23:59 on Monday 21st August.

Olly Conway
Darren Smith

So if you know either of these guys please give them a nudge.

If Olly or Darren are reading this themselves please PM me from here to organise payment,


bluelionman / Noel Symonds

Fan Pub Founding Member

Okay I was a few days late deleting these two than what I said, as I was offline for 24 hours - my neighbour cut through my broadband cable while helping me with my front garden, so had to get an engineer out to reconnect me.

Not great.

Any way I can confirm I have now removed the two unpaid for entries and that leaves us with 22 paid entries for this season. Two less than last season, meaning we have £110 in the pot which will be paid out as follows:

If you would like to take part next season just look out for details posted on this forum leading up to the start of the new English football season (circa late July - early August).

I hate this game - so hard to login when abroad and I have missed a round already - was sure I done it but nope - nothing for Round 5 and would of had 2 exactly correct!

After another long season we have our first ever repeat winner, a big congratulations to James Freeman (who also won Season 2 - 2020/21):

If you would like to take part next season just look out for details posted on this forum leading up to the start of the new football season (circa late July - early August).

Super 6 (2023/24) Final Standings

See previous winners here: BLM’S ‘Super 6’ & ‘Super 6 Extra’ Bluey League - Winners History