Spontaneous Video

…Am I the last to know?

My musical tastes usually centre around quality vocals and every now and then you see and hear somebody that just makes blows your mind. This girl seems primed for a Thursday Night Football Ad… :blush: - YouTube

Love that Cowell passed her up…

Not bad Gordon but I’m getting a bit worried about you watching ABC’s The View - surely GP has something better to stream :smile:

What… You think Rex Ryan doesn’t take an occasional snack break? :fries:

And if that’s “not bad” vocals I really need to get into the Danish music scene, keep listening.

Ha Ha very true - I do think though that you would do well in Denmark, as nobody ever understands those bloody Scottish people :stuck_out_tongue:

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Next Spon vid…

Just loaded up Alesso’s Miami session, wishing I was 20 years younger and right there…

Amazing DJ

Pro’s & Con’s of being a fantasy footballer…

Sock Cuckers

Loved it dude … keep them coming!!! :smile:

Never judge a book by its moody, stone faced expression…


Drew Stanton Had a tenner on an Ellington TD