Show Me The Money ( £20 Money League - XIX (2024)

The live draft is set for: Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 at 8:30pm BST (British Summer Time).

Entry fee £20 with 4 prizes:

£100 - Winner
£60 - Runner Up
£40 - 3rd
(*) + £40 to whoever posts the highest Weeks score (including post season - must be involved in a real game - not on a bye)!

(*) This is a single prize paid at the end of the season and goes to whoever posts the highest one-off weekly score during the season (including play-offs - for those who make it). So even if you have a bad season and can’t make the championship play-offs proper you still have something to go for - set your line up weekly - post the top score of the season and you will get back double your entry fee.

Before applying to join this league please view the settings and make sure you are happy with them as I don’t plan to change them. I like continuity so I stick with the settings from the league’s inception in 2006. Which means this league is a 12-team league, is not a points per reception (non PPR) nor fractional scoring league. Rest of the leagues setting can be viewed here:

SMTM… League (89661) Settings

I have made one change to the settings for this season as follows to reflect a rule change the NFL made I think last season but had missed changing it in this league last year:

I have created the official waiting list at the bottom of this post to get in this league. So if you want in to the SMTM… league just post in this thread saying so and I will add you (though be warned the turnover in this league is slim as most GM’s return annually).

Current Members List

Real Name: Team Name / TFP Forum Name

  1. Noel Symonds: van Dutch / bluelionman
  2. David Garcia: Zero everything / David_Garcia_Fernand
  3. Andre Bonifay: Danny DeVeto / abonifay
  4. Dale Elstone: Fitzmagic you Knoooooow / Delstone
  5. Jonathan Watts: The 12th Man / jwpacker
  6. Andy Smith: Seattle Seagulls / Rick_Spangle
  7. Rich Leese: Plainview Oilers / RichL
  8. Josh Roberts: Scouse Dolphins / joshroberts1987
  9. Michael Mark: Game Of Mahomes / YellowMoney
  10. Steve Smith: Santa’s Big Sack / stevefringe

Current Members : Details Bolded once confirmed & paid entry fee for 2024

Last years players have until midnight 23:59 on Sunday 1st September (basically midnight this coming Sunday) to confirm they are coming back by posting on the leagues message board under my post on the league feed or by replying here posting on this thread. After the deadline any unclaimed slots will be offered to those on the waiting list.

I sincerely apologise for my tardiness again this year and short notice about the live draft but my PC gave up the ghost 3 or so weeks ago - right in the middle of my Premier League fantasy games recruiting window. It would not boot into windows no matter what I did - think the hard drive has failed - but long story short until I bought a new lap top I only had my phone for doing games admin and got way behind with marrying off payments etc.,. I did order a new lap top after a week of searching online via my phone and since it arrived been trying to catch back up ever since. Further more the app is terrible with not much fuction for a commisioner so could not set up any drafting leagues until I got my new lap top. Hence the late set ups of all my NFL draf leagues and no stand alone NFL games of mine have been launched yet either.

DISCORD Channel link: Show Me The Money on DISCORD - chat room
Slowly players are starting to come round to using Discord in my NFL fantasy leagues as it helps everyone engage with instant messaging - each of my leagues has its own dedicated room to discuss things about that particular league but there is a general chat area for anyone who partakes in any BLM fantasy games I run here: BLM Fantasy Games general chat room on DISCORD

SMTM Official Waiting List

If you are sure you want in to this money league then ask to go on this official waiting list and when a current member leaves the first person on the list will be offered the chance to claim that spot before the draft for the next season and so on down the list:

Real Name / TFP Forum Name

  1. Mike Parsons / NeedleVor
  2. Joe Townley / Lil_joe
  3. Daniel Carr / otleyroad
  4. Chris Parkes / eiskrap
  5. Iain Morris / Mozza_19
  6. James Taylor / jrt55555
  7. Juan Bautista Gainzarain Zapateria / juangainza

Current Known Vacancies = 0 (for 2024 season)
updated once auto right of return period has elapsed

SMTM… 2024 Divisions Draw

Saved for Division draw video when league is fully paid up.

No Division draw this season as we are all in one league due to only getting 10 entrants - seems waiting list bods at top of list did not respond in time - my error leaving things to last minute so will contact people on waiting list and if no reply within 7 days strike them off waiting llist so this does not occur again next season and we can go back to a full complement of 12 teams and 3 divisions!

Saved for All time records and previous winners history screen shots.

Need to re get as all files lost on old PC’s hard drive.

SMTM… Final Standings Table 2023

I am in of course.

Glad you are still running it Noel.

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Can you add me to the waitlist, @bluelionman

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I would be interested in participating.
Can you add me to the waiting list?

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Hey Noel,

I would like to renter this again please.

Will send the money when you confirm. Cheers

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@jrt55555 @juangainza Have added you both to waiting list. :football: :football:

I would like to be on the waiting list

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@duenni Adding you now.

Adjusted Prize Payouts - 2024


1st ( £100 ) - Andy Smith - Seattle Seagulls / Rick_Spangle (107)
2nd ( £50 ) - Rich Leese - Plainview Oilers / RichL (102)
3rd ( £25 ) - Steve Smith - Santa’s Big Sack / stevefringe (119)
Highest Week ( £25 ) - Noel Symonds - van Dutch / bluelionman (151)

I will now contact the winners to arrange payment - for those of you that have not had your fill of fantasy NFL games I will have 3 stand alone play-off money games that I will be setting up over the next week once final play-off teams are confirmed. I will advertise all three by posting details in separate threads in this (TFP) forum - so please take a look and tell all your friends, there might just be a game that takes your fancy. :football: :football: :football:

SMTM… 2024 - Regular Season Final Standings

SMTM… Play Off Tree 2024

SMTM… Super Bowl XIX - 2024

SMTM… Super Bowl XIX Recap (2024)

Highest Weeks Score (2024)

Highest Weeks Score RECAP (2024)

League Champion 2024

If you wish to see just the overall winners history for this league (and all other games/leagues I’ve run) then just click this link: FANTASY FOOTBALL Games - Winners History