Urgent last minute - NFL UK have launched a Pick 'Em game but only sent out e-mails late last night. So I have set up a league and hope some will see it in time or perhaps some of you have seen game and joined it already so just have to join my money league if you so wish.
However people are welcome to join late - hopefully any seeing this to late for TNF will have only missed 1 game and may have got it wrong anyhow as it’s a tough one to call (Packers@Bears).
So I have set up a private league and making my league £10 to enter with a top 3 payout as follows:
1st - 60%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 10%
So that’s it spread the word and get ya mates involved. All I ask is everyone who joins to have paid before the first game of NFL Week 2 starts.
The league name is: BLM NFL
The league code to join is: CRH96D7A
If you know you want in clicking this link should add you directly to the league:
If you don’t know the score regards how to make payment just contact me to ask (either e-mail me at my fantasy games addy or PM me from here on the TFP forum).
That’s it, hope to see you in my league soon.
Noel / bluelionman