IT’S BACK… I noticed last night this game was live and open for business!
The Pick’Em game has the same sponsor (888 Sport) as last season and glad this game still exists, as themselves seem to have really wound back and ceased all the spin of games they used to do. I have set up my usual small stakes private money league on this game like I have in past years (when the game has been run). I really hope with a week to go until the season starts I can get a decent entry pool (so feel free to share details around and post on social media using the link to this post below). We need a decent entry pool to make it both competitive and decent prize payouts as I’m paying top 3 at the conclusion of the game.
So, my private money league is £10 to enter with a top 3 payout as follows:
1st - 60%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 10%
Prizes are given as percentages as I don’t know how many entrants, I will get but all entry fees go back out as prizes so the bigger the league the bigger the pay-outs.
So that’s it, please spread the word and get your mates involved. All I ask is everyone who joins to have paid before the first game of NFL Week 2 starts.
The league name is: BLM NFL 2023
The league code to join is: 7VLJY3FK
If you know you want in clicking this link should add you directly to the league:
Link to game site (without joining my league automatically): NFL Pick 'Em
If you don’t know the score regards how to make payment just contact me to ask (either e-mail me at my fantasy games addy or PM me from here on the TFP forum).
Hey BlueLionMan,
I’m the developer of, it’s a site that is actively maintained and basically does the same thing as, however, is fan run and isn’t just a glorified ad for a betting company. I’d love if you guys could join and host your league on our platform (We have around 4-5 unique leagues atm, this is the first year inviting new people), however, totally understand if it’s too late to up shop to a totally different website, just shooting my shot!
Great to hear from you - alas I have advertised my league all over Twitter and Facebook and got some new players who have signed up already and feel it’s bad form to switch sites now after several have signed up and paid based on that game and game site (maybe they were already doing an entry there). Also that site does have prizes for UK based players.
However I have clicked across to your website and it seems very smooth and looks a darn sight nicer than the site I am currently using. I would consider switching for next season as I and other players have had problems with the current Pick 'Em site as in it not saving picks (cost me a money position last year). Also I would love more options - I really liked the game used to run as there Pick’em included postseason which I thought was good and had a really easy slide bar to pick team each week.
Also the current site has a tie breaker to split ties and I can’t see any tie breaker on your site - the having to predict the TNF score difference seems a really good tie breaker that’s cumulative and your trying to keep ya figure as low as possible all season long as ties will be split on that score.
Totally get it and would love to see you next season! You’re right that there’s no tiebreakers currently as it’s a season long competition rather than one based on weekly results, we have been looking at alternative ways to run this but so far the yearly approach has won out. Good news though, we do run ours through the postseason and we’ve had a couple of years where it’s come down to the Superbowl. We’ve been running this competition among some friends for about 6 years now, upgraded from a Google spreadsheet to our own website eventually.
Entering picks on our site (if you can be arsed) will still get you a spot in the Global rankings, if you were good enough, so no need to bring the whole league across.
So if you don’t pay by the start of the main slate of games on Sunday (NFL Week 3) 6pm UK time 24th September 2023 then your entry is void and will be ignored.
If someone knows who this is please send them a link to this post - they can make contact with me by PM’ing me from here.