NFL FANTASY SURVIVOR 2024 (Sleeper) - £10 Money Pools Starting NFL Weeks 4 & 9!

Alas did away with its ‘Survivor’ game last year - and free alternatives are thin on the ground so had to set one up using Sleeper. The reason this is not ideal is Sleepers pools are only available via their app and not on their full website so if you want to join in you will have to download the Sleeper app.

This is actually my second pool this season as the first pools pot (£40) rolls over to this new pool as all 3 remaining entrants got eliminated last week (NFL Week 3) so as per my rules (see below) the pot rolls over to a new pool if all managers left get eliminated in the same round.

So same rules apply now, I have just set up my new private Survivor pool on the Sleeper app. It’s a £10 entrance fee, with one entry per person per pool - and as the league name suggests this one is ‘Winner Takes All’. Individual games lock at the start of their game time so you can join in and make a pick right up until the start of the very last game of NFL Week 4 so don’t be put off if the Game Week has already started as you can still join in as long as there is a game left to start. I encourage you to spread the word and share this e-mail with anyone you think might like to join in. More the merrier!

As mentioned earlier if there is no last person standing and everyone left alive gets eliminated in the same game week then the pot will roll over to a new pool, payment will be required again to join the new pool but the prize will now be much bigger - and anyone is welcome to join the new pool - you did not have to be in the previous one.

I ask people to pay as soon as they join the pool and anyone who does not pay up after joining will be added to my blacklist - and not welcome in future money games of mine.

If your new and do not know how to pay me just PM me from here (the TFP Forum) and ask for my payment details - include your e-mail address so I can send you the info direct.

So over to you - do you want in to this NFL Survivor Money Pool?

If so join in using this link:

Auto Join WINNER TAKES ALL (+1) Pool

My best regards as always,

Noel Symonds / bluelionman

Fan Pub Founding Member

PS Please make your entry name your TFP Forum username (if your registered here).

To let people know the state of play I will bold and put a football :football: symbol next to you when I have received payment for your pool entry.

Any unpaid for entries will be deleted from the pool soon after NFL Week 4 has concluded (and certainly before NFL Week 5 starts). Said welchers may also be added to my black list:

BLM Fantasy Money Games WELCHERS

WINNER TAKES ALL (+1) - Entries (8)

bluelionman / Noel Symonds :football:

JonCartwright / Jon Cartwright :football:

pauliebedders / Paul Bedford :football:

brfcfan / Barry Jenkinson :football:

duenni / Andy Dünner :football:

Shani / Shahnaka Senaratne :football:

Acme1386 / Abraham Cervantes Medina :football:

Delstone / Dale Elstone :football:



Okay all I can confirm we have 8 people in this pool and everyone has paid so there is £120 up for grabs should there be 1 clear entrant left standing. (£40 roll over from the last pool + 8 x £10 entrance fees from those joining this new pool).

NFL Week 8 ends and we have a winner - well done Delstone / Dale Elstone - £120 is yours sir.

To see my NFL Survivor money pools winners history follow this link:

NFL SURVIVOR POOLS - Winners History

:football: :football: WINNER TAKES ALL 2 - £10 Entry :football: :football:

Well WTA +1 finished quickly enough to have plenty of weeks left to go again so just like last season I have created WTA 2 to go again for both existing and new players that want to take part.


So anyone that wants into a last person standing ‘NFL Survivor Pool’ starting NFL Week 9 on the Sleeper App is welcome to get involved right up until the start of the final game of NFL Week 9 - MNF!

I have a dedicated private link to join my league which I send once you have paid the entry fee. Just PM me from here (TFP forum) to ask to join and get my payment deets if you don’t already know them.

Only thing I ask is entrants be registered here on the TFP Forum and use their TFP Forum username as entry name in the pool. That’s it.

More the merrier! :football: :football:

PS If all remaining players get eliminated in the same game week then the prize pot will roll over to a new pool - not be split. Entrants will have to pay again to join the new pool and brand new entrants will also be welcome to join too.

As league name suggests - Winner Takes All (so number of entrants x £10 = winners prize should one clear person be left standing alone, otherwise prize fund rolls over to a new pool starting the week after this one ends).

WINNER TAKES ALL 2 - Entry List (5)

Starting NFL Week 9

Below I will list all entrants and BOLD (plus put an American football) :football: next to entries when paid.

bluelionman / Noel Symonds :football:

brfcfan / Barry Jenkinson :football:

duenni / Andy Dünner :football:

Delstone / Dale Elstone :football:

Acme1386 / Abraham Cervantes Medina :football:

NFL Week 18 ends and we still have 2 players left alive, with this being the end of the Regular Season and Sleeper not carrying on into the post season we have to call this a tie. Therefore the pot is shared between the two remaining survivors - well done to both Delstone / Dale Elstone & Acme1386 / Abraham Cervantes Medina - £25 goes to each. Also 10 weeks of picking winners is to be commended - especially as I went down the very first week of this WTA2 league (NFL Week 9).

To see my NFL Survivor money pools winners history follow this link:

NFL SURVIVOR POOLS - Winners History

For those of you still interested in testing yourself I will have some post season games launching later today. Details will be posted on the forum once I’ve set them up. Please spread the word - more entrants the better.