Hey All,
Due to the responses received from several of my existing fantasy CricketXI players I have decided to run my two (Classic & Head to Head) small stakes fantasy money leagues on this seasons Metro Bank One-Day Cup.
I’ve just set up my 2 leagues - one is an open league where you’re all on a ladder based on your total fantasy points scored. The other is a head-to-head type league where you play one other team from the league each round and you win, lose or tie. A win is 4 points, a Tie 2 points and a loss 0. That decides your position in the league with tie breakers to split teams such as points % (difference between points scored and points scored against you). Also, in the head-to-head league the top 6 teams will make the finals (and play across the 3 final rounds).
To make a little bit of interest and a prize for the winners’ skill (or luck) I am making both leagues £5 each to enter and both leagues are ‘Winner Takes All’.
People are welcome to join one or both leagues. I hope people will feel £5 is not much at all and give these leagues a go. Please feel free share this information on to any one you think might like to join in with us and post it on your social media channels, (link at the bottom of this post), more the merrier.
The game starts (Round 1) 11:00am (UK time), 1st August (so this coming Tuesday). The head-to-head league requires a minimum of 4 entrants (so 3 more other than myself) to run. Also, if we end up an odd number of teams in the Head-to-Head league the site will put one team each round on a bye.
Usual methods for entry payment - if you don’t know what they are (because your new) or have forgotten just PM me from here (the TFP forum) and I will respond with the low down. Also if you have funds on account with me just tell me to use those.
Finally, I must point out due in the past to new players joining my CricketXI fantasy money leagues and then not making contact with me, nor making any attempt to pay the internal entry fees I now have to be stricter. Any teams from new entrants that are not paid for and whom have no history with me doing my money games, I will delete from my leagues just before a gamess starting deadline without further notice. I only have the ability to delete teams before a game starts on CricketXI so I am not having any teams included that are not paid for by strangers in advance of money leagues starting from now on (due to past welchers).
Link to games website: CricketXI
Classic Open League
Head-to-Head League
League Name: Winner Takes All
All game rules, player scoring, trades etc., are the websites and can be found under the HELP tab on site but to aid you here is a link: (CricketXI) Metro Bank One Day Cup 2023 / HELP
best regards,
bluelionman / Noel Symonds
Fan Pub Founding Member