Important Update - Southampton Originals Draft

Hi folks,
As you know, we have been doing everything possible to keep a live draft in the calendar for this year, despite all the obstacles COVID has thrown at us!
However, I now have an extra issue: my mum is ill in hospital and is not expected to last more than a month or two. This is going to make running the draft day tougher as I may have to duck out at very short notice. Of course, several of our regular commissioners from other leagues would step in to help out I am sure.

At this point, I am offering an option (assuming I can make a poll work on this site…)

  • I definitely want to draft live
  • I prefer to draft live, but will still take part if we draft on line
  • I prefer to draft on line, but will still take part if we draft live
  • I definitely want to draft online

0 voters

I’d appreciate it if those people signed up to the league could vote to give an indication then I will make a call.

I know that there are a couple of people at least who have not signed up to the league, but who have said they would play if the draft was online for this year - we still have a couple of spaces so may be able to accommodate you if the decision is to go online.

Apologies for the late change of direction, I am sure you appreciate this isn’t something I wanted to do.
Cheers, Jon

Thanks all for voting so quickly (and for your messages :+1: )

I am going to go with an online draft for this year. Please God let this be back to normal next year…

Draft date will remain Saturday 5 September, and the first draft pick will be scheduled for midday. Based on how Al and Sean organised their draft last week, I will aim to run the draft on Sleeper, and also set up a Teams or Zoom chat to allow us all to insult each other between picks.
I am still aiming to have the league run on so I will copy the draft results across - I think Sleeper will just be more convenient on the day.
I will add Sleeper and and Zoom / Teams links on here as I sort them out.

We have 14 managers at the time of writing:
Me, Sean, Noel, Shani, Robert, Chris, Dan N, Andy, Ian, Adam, Al R, Sam, Toby, Jordan

edit - 15 managers, Javier has now joined

edit - 16 managers, Drew has now joined

If any of you want to drop out based on this change, that is no problem, just drop me a line and I will send a refund.
I know a few people were interested in playing if we switched to online, so please let me know if this is the case, the maximum league size is 16 as usual.
One bit of good news, I will save money by cancelling the hotel function room, so prize money should be higher. Prizes confirmed once I know final numbers!


I’ve never used Zoom or Sleeper so gonna need some hand holding on this please guys.

Thanks - gutted no live draft, just as well I hadn’t got around to booking that hotel. My rail warrant I was saving will expire before next year - darn shame as I never use train lately with no job and no live sports to attend.

Hope the live meet is back on for 2021.

If there’s room or a waiting list or space anyone thought of contacting Drew as a online one might work for him more than a live one based on his sea faring?

Think he was an Original, original. :football:

The video call worked fine for the Northampton draft Noel, so I am sure it will be fine. I will organise a dry run a day or two before the draft, for anyone who wants one.

And, good call re Drew, I will drop him a line

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