Finally a very big congratulations goes to rdamjan (Damjan Rupnik) for topping my ‘Head to Head’ FPL WTA money league in back to back seasons. Yes, when I was updating my winners history I see he also won this league last season to - so it softens the blow for his coming second in the overall classic league by taking down the H2H version again for the second straight year. I am amazed someone nearly won both versions of the league with the same team - he is most certainly one to watch out for in the future to measure your progress against. But I digress, for winning my FPL WTA H2H league for the 2023/24 season Damjan bags a cool £190 for his troubles - as we had 19 paid entrants - plus sadly one WELCHER (non-payer)!
The welcher situation means alas next season I will not be publicly posting my league’s joining codes here on TFP forum and only giving out the joining deets to people after I receive their entry fee(s). This is to avoid this occurrence of people joining my league but not paying up. After all, these are money leagues. I think I also had about 9 unpaid for teams in the Classic league too, which I ended up deleting about 3 GW’s into the season. It’s just not on - why join a money league if you’ve no intention of coughing up the entry fee?
So, will it be you winning this league next season or will Damjan three-peat (or perhaps another previous seasons BLM WTA H2H winner bag another crown)?
Look out for details posted here (The Fan Pub forum) when FPL launch their game for the 2024/25 season and get involved. Also spread the word as new joiners are always welcome - as long as they pay the entry fee(s).
PS See previous winners history here: FPL - WINNER TAKES ALL - League History
This years winners have already been added to the roll of honour!