List of polls to vote on for the new season
Should Kickers be included?
- Yes it’s tradition
- No f*^k that
0 voters
Should Defenses be included?
- Yes I like them
- No too random
0 voters
Should IR slots be included for IR and Covid only?
- Yes it’s hard when someone gets injuries or a player with Covid
- No f^&k them
0 voters
Should we play divisional opponents only or play everyone
- I want to play everyone
- Play divisional rivals only
0 voters
Should the 8th team to qualify be the highest scoring team over the season not already in?
- Yes they deserve it
- No keep it to record as normal
0 voters
How many polls is too many polls?
- No limit, I love polls.
- Al you’re a tw@t
0 voters
Top 8 or 4 from each division for the playoffs?
- Top 4 each division
- 8 best teams
0 voters