Brady suspension nullified by judge

Brady will not miss any games

NO FFS!!! So basically its ok for people to go out and commit any sin they like, as long as they ensure they destroy known and desired evidence in time…a great message to send! common sense please :smile:


I think the commissioner had the inside track, didn’t he pick up Brady?

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a sad day for the NFL. They can’t even enforce their own rules due to decisions like this. That’s ultimately very bad news for the great game imho.

I think the commissioner is gone or at the very least his days are numbered.
I personally feel this is not the end of the drama as now it will go to an appeal and drag out another year.

Sad sad sad

:cop: I’m going nowhere - you got rumour of a coup Sean? :anguished:


relief, joy, realisation, sadness, regret…

What I imagine Brady to be feeling today…

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