Do you follow the Premier League?
Do you like fantasy football?
Would you like to get involved in a draft type fantasy football money league (where no one can have the same players)?
If the answer is yes, then read on my friend as I have just such a league drafting on the eve of the new Premier League season - that being Thursday 12th August 2021 at 8pm (UK time). I have picked a live draft date and time for this league to give people some clarity as to when it will take place so they can know if they are able to commit to it or not and or make arrangements for it.
Each entrant that signs up can vote for the scoring settings we will use - either Classic or Head to Head (as we had in this league last year). One team one vote - which you will cast by posting on the leagues message board. Whichever option the majority are in favour of come Wednesday night at midnight (going into Thursday - draft day) will be which setting we go with. If by some chance, it’s a tie I will flip a coin - can’t really say fairer than that.
The entry fee will be the same as last season - £25 per team. I will confirm prizes after the live draft as soon as everyone has paid up. To avoid chasing people and because post draft I can’t delete people from the draft league I am only sending an invite to people to actually get into the league once payment has been made. I have to wait until the live draft to know exactly how many teams we have (unless I get a full quota of 16 players prior to then in which case I can then work out the prizes before the draft itself - which would be better. All entry fees will be paid back out as prizes 100%).
Last season we had prizes for 1st, 2nd and Highest Weekly Score.
I am using Fantasy Premier Leagues draft game for this money league.
League details:
You may have noticed from the above league info I have activated player trading in this league where it goes to a vote system - this means managers can vote against a trade (hopefully they only do this if they think the trade is unfair) but to get a trade vetoed it takes 50% of managers to vote against it - not only that a trade is approved at the waiver deadline and the system takes any non-team manager votes as approval. So, it is much more likely trades will go through than not - and also means managers should pay attention to trades when notified and use their veto option if they don’t agree with it.
I have stuck with the standard default of 90 seconds per pick - I know some find this to long but equally others don’t so decided to keep to the default setting (the system allows for me to set it at 30 through to 120 seconds).
I have chosen an eve of season draft so as much about the teams’ squads with regards to transfers in’s & out’s is known as possible, as well as to give me the maximum amount of recruiting time. My league had 14 paid teams last year. Overseas players are most welcome to.
I have decided to send this info out by e-mail and post it on TFP and the first 15 to commit and pay up are in.
I will send a direct invite to the league when a person pays the entry fee - that way I guarantee its first come first served, nor do I then have to chase anyone for payment and can confirm the prizes sooner rather than later.
All that remains now is for you to decide - are you in - or out?
best regards,
bluelionman (aka Noel Symonds)
Fan Pub Founding Member