REAL TEAM ALLEGIANCE League - Year 8 (2020)


Reviewing all records for this league we have a shocker - in Week 12 the Chicago Bears under Head Coach Douglas ‘McBuckets McBear’ Hay bettered or should that be worsened the record you don’t want to earn of the leagues lowest ever weekly score with one of 51.05 - surpassing the previous lowest score of 58.95 belonging to the Pittsburgh Steelers under a previous Steelers HC - Jed Bradshaw (set in WK 12 / 2015). How strange it was the very same week in a previous season… is there something special about Week 12 and bad scores… spooky.

If you are interested in joining this FREE league it has a waiting list which I always look to first when a current GM leaves or gets struck out.

To be added to the waiting list simply post here on this thread with the team you support and your name (first and last) and I will be in touch. :football: :football: :football: :football: :football: :football: :football: :football:


Polls Run in 2020 not currently posted above that will apply for the future (2021 season onwards)

Analysis: From 2021, 6 teams will now make post season, 3 from each conference - #1 seed will get a Bye to the Conference Championship game - #2 v #3 seed in each conference will play each other off for the right to meet the #1 see in the Conference Championship game. This will make the Post Season now cover 3 weeks as opposed to the current 2 weeks.

Analysis: Okay the poll was clearly in favour of no trade deadline which makes sense as this is a dynasty league so trades can be made all season long.

Analysis: Due to mittigating circumstances (see below) a poll was conducted to see if we will keep Tennessee Titans under GM Chris Poyner for 2021 and suspend his third strike. The poll was in favour of this but not unamious. So Chris is reprieved but will start the 2021 season on 2 strikes - so one more and he don’t come back for 2022.

I would like to join this league: John Moody (Dallas Cowboys) (on Discord I go by Moodman).

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I will add you to the waiting list John but there does not look to be any spaces unless any GM’s decide to drop out. However some will be carrying strikes into this season so there is the chance for some turn over during the season if they don’t pay attention to setting their line ups.

Thanks! I would adopt a team mid season, if you need me to! Cheers, John!

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